With my subscription to Outside Magazine comes a weird predilection for trying to attempt every training program that is included. Among those recently was a half-marathon training schedule used by Olympian runner Ryan Hall's coach. The schedule has a great mix of short distance speed work mixed in with longer tempo runs. I was able to stick with most of it until the end, when Spring Break and a desire to snowboard got the better of me. I definitely got faster and more confident in my running, which was a great result.
The Race for the Roses was my ultimate training goal. I was shooting for 7:00 minute miles, and ended up somewhere in the 7:24 range. Not bad for me, and a good lesson for the next time I attempt the schedule. The Race itself is a great course with a great cause attached. Race fees go toward the Albertina Kerr Center, which provides aid to children placed in foster care, and group homes for the developmentally disabled. 93% of every dollar in fees goes toward the center.
The race runs through downtown Portland, and starts and ends at the Rose Garden. Overall the course is pretty flat, and fast. The worst part for me were the long out and backs, but you definitely get to see a lot of Portland during the race.